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On September 14, pp电子极速糖果(Colorado Mesa University)校长约翰·马歇尔(John Marshall)与社区领袖一起宣布了一项引人注目的新倡议,该倡议将彻底改变科罗拉多州西部学生和家庭接受高等教育的机会. 

The announcement, made by Marshall, Grand Junction City Mayor Anna Stout, Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis, Montrose Mayor Pro Tem David Reed and CMU Trustee Lori Buck,  unveiled the CMU Promise, which focuses on providing affordable, 素质教育,从职业和技术教育证书到四年制学位. 这一承诺表明,CMU致力于通过为符合条件的学生支付学费,确保中低收入家庭能够接受大学教育. 

For years, 在提供负担得起的课程方面,CMU一直是全州和全国的领导者, quality programs. For two decades, CMU董事会一直在努力将学费涨幅保持在尽可能低的水平, and it’s worked. CMU offers the third lowest tuition and fees in the state of Colorado. The university has done this through several initiatives, one example being Learn For Less, 将CMU理工大学职业和技术教育项目的学费和费用降低了40%. 现在,从明年秋天开始,CMU将启动下一阶段的可负担性,CMU承诺.   

CMU承诺是对科罗拉多州西部收入65美元的中低收入家庭的每个学生的承诺,000 or less. 这一承诺将惠及该地区22个县的学生, assuring them that if they choose to attend CMU or CMU Tech, the university will find a way to cover their tuition each year. 

这一承诺是通过战略伙伴关系和资金来源网络实现的, including federal Pell grants, Colorado Student Grants, Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI), local government contributions, private scholarship opportunities and more.  

“CMU的学杂费在全州和全国都是最低的, 对我们来说,现实是这不会发生在任何一个人或组织身上. That is a community effort,” said CMU President John Marshall. “That happens in partnership with the City of Grand Junction, 谁是我们最长久最重要的合作伙伴之一, the university, the State of Colorado, CMU科技部的“少学少学”项目,我们一年前就开始减免学费, the City and County of Montrose. 当然,如果没有与梅萨县20年的合作,这一切都不可能实现.” 

During the press conference, 受托人巴克热情地讲述了董事会在宣布这一消息之前的审议情况. 她表达了董事会为成为这一变革倡议的一部分而感到自豪,并强调经济障碍不应阻止学生追求教育道路或学位.  

“我们的董事会在上次会议上就这个问题进行了很好的讨论,” said Trustee Buck. “For many, 高等教育似乎遥不可及,但通过这项倡议,我们传达的信息是,经济障碍绝不应成为科罗拉多州西部学生不攻读学位的理由.”

下一位发言的是大章克森市市长兼CMU校友安娜·斯托特, 是谁强调了大枢纽市与CMU的长期合作关系. Stout强调了城市的经济发展,以及像Grand Junction和CMU之间的战略合作如何使该地区取得持续的成功, which includes the City's investments in students, through internships, scholarships, employment and more. Stout还讨论了当她还是Maverick的时候,CMU的承诺是如何实现的, she would have qualified.  



“作为一名企业主,我们面临的最大问题是社区中的熟练劳动力. 这是我们现在拥有的另一个工具,可以帮助我们的社区成员提高技能,或者重新培训他们。 Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis. “I’m so excited for our outer lining communities, whether it’s DeBeque, whether it's Gateway, whether it's Clifton. 在过去的几年里,我们在这些社区投入了大量资金,这是这些社区能够免费访问的另一个机会, reduced education, to upskill themselves, to get more opportunity."


蒙特罗斯市临时市长David Reed分享了他作为蒙特罗斯市议会成员和前CMU受托人对CMU承诺的热情. Reed, who has been a longtime supporter of the CMU Montrose campus, 他承认当地的孩子有机会留在蒙特罗斯继续他们的教育,并以比以往任何时候都少的债务毕业的好处.  


“我想再次感谢所有使这一天成为可能的捐助者和慈善家. And of course our local government partners. We could not operate this place without your support," said Marshall. “对于科罗拉多州西部的家庭来说,上大学是可能的,我们将帮助你找到答案." 

Following the announcement, CMU will launch the CMU Promise Tour, 这意味着在接下来的几个月里,CMU的代表将访问22个合格县的每所高中. 

To learn more about the CMU Promise call the Admissions Office at 970.248.1875 or visit  


Written by Kelsey Coleman